Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Living with a Purpose

If you have been reading this blog at least several times you know that I believe it is important that we live with a purpose.

I know most people believe that their purpose in life is a job and raising a family which are both very good things; however, I believe it can go even further for each of us. We were created for doing even more. Some may call it destiny or a purpose. The thing is we each have a different purpose. What my purpose is different than yours. For example, writing this blog is a part of my purpose mainly to encourage others. It is possible you may have a purpose to write a blog as well but it could be totally different than mine.

The important thing is to uncover what the purpose we have in this life. If you are married likely your purpose is different than your spouse or your children. The important thing is how you work out all your purposes.

A part of the purpose is to know your gifts and talents.  Most of us use them for working, or a hobby; however, I believe they can be used for a greater good. I would say the gifts and talents are used to help others besides family and work.

There are those who have had near death experiences so they can question more what their purpose in life is. They may more likely think about these things than the normal person. I can say that I had a near death experience though I do not remember it at all only what my parents told me. The reason is that I was only four years old. I was burned on my right chest and under my right arm pit. I was cooking an egg on the stove when my pajamas caught fire. My sister Barb was in the same room went and got my mother who smothered it with a blanket. My dad than drove me into Tacoma because there was no hospital in Gig Harbor at the time, and felt there was no time to call for an ambulance. I spent about six weeks at Mary Bridge Children’s hospital. Barb still remembers it just like it was yesterday. If she had not been in the room, or my mother had not gotten to me when she did I may have died or at least more of my body would have been burned as well.

Through a lot of my childhood when I had very hard or trying times I would say to God why you not took me when I was four years old. The older I got I realized because he had a higher calling or purpose that only I can fulfill.

I am still searching what that high calling is in the meantime I do what I can do best. I believe at some point I will know that I was born for this time and place. What I mean is a situation or circumstance will happen that I will know without a doubt why God wanted me to continue to live.

If you do not know what your purpose is right now. Just go out and do the best you can with what you have. I am sure the bright light will come on some time where you can say yes this is my purpose and destiny.

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