Sunday, March 6, 2016

Calm Seas

While I was out walking around the harbor on Saturday it was so quiet on the water. Made me realize how the weather changes one minute to another around here. If not today tomorrow it will rain. This is how things go around here especially in March.

When I was walking south looking toward Mount Rainier the clouds were covering it and then the clouds went away. The mountain is usually so fantastic however the clouds can cover over it. Though most days I am able to see the mountain there are times you can’t see it though you know it is still there.

I remembered to as a child I would take the sail or row boat out with the water being calm and then a few minutes later the winds would come and I had to keep the boat upright. I wanted to be sure that I would not tip over and land in the water. Only once did I land in the water and the reason was my dad said the boat would not go over and he was wrong. So I allowed the boat to lean over much as it could however it still went over.  He was upset with me however I reminded him what he told me. Funny thing though he went over in the same boat the next week. I just smiled at him. Oh how memories like this really work.

Also while I was walking on Saturday I realized this is how our lives work. One moment we are in calm seas than the rough weather comes against us and we fall in. It is important to take the good with the bad. Life always takes us off course and we need to find a way to get back on track. We can be lost and we must find a way to get back where we were. It takes faith to get us back to the calm seas.

If you are in the rough seas right now pray that your life will calm down. Be thankful for all the good and for that matter the bad times too.

Last year my health was in those rough times and now I am in the calm seas. The older I get I know those rough times will come again however I will enjoy these good times right now. It helps when we have good friends and family around us when life takes us off course.  

I pray right now that Jesus Christ will be with us and that he keeps us within himself wherever we are right now. His love will cover us whether in dark times or calm seas. Peace be with you and with us always. Amen!

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