Thursday, March 17, 2016

St. Patrick’s Day

Remember today we are to wear green or be pinched; If you really want to be pinched no problem not wearing green.

I have to admit that I forgot that today was St. Patrick’s Day until a few hours ago. Last night though I knew it was Wednesday for some reason I thought today was going to Friday. Some people may call that a senior moment though I don’t think I am there quite yet. So you see I was planning to write something about Friday than I remembered quickly no it will be Thursday after all.

I am sure a lot of people want to skip Thursday and get right to Friday instead so the weekend will arrive sooner. Anyway I think it is important to enjoy every Thursday including today. The main reason is that every day should be enjoyed to the fullest because we really do not know how many days we have in this life to live. We can be here today and be gone tomorrow. Not something we want to think or hear about however it is really the truth.  Our days’ being numbered is what makes life a mystery.

 Today I am wearing my Seattle Mariner jersey because it has a little bit of teal green so it counts for St. Patrick’s Day besides baseball season begins in less than a month.

For those who enjoy St. Patrick’s Day for the drinking because you are not Irish just like me remember to be careful when doing so. What I said a couple paragraphs before our days are numbered however I don’t want you end it sooner than later. Personally I am not a big drinker regardless of the holiday or day for that matter I will either not drink at all or take a small drink. The thing is I do not really like beer however I have never tried Irish beer. I am not sure whether I will try it today either unless the circumstances happen. Most likely if I do have a drink of alcohol I will go with a wine.

 Personally I enjoy having a party any time and drinking does not have to be included. I enjoy being around people as much as possible is how I see it. We have had a lot of rain here in Western Washington in March however today the sun is already starting to shine and seeing a great view of Mt. Rainier. This is another good reason have a great time and rejoice. Everyone is ready for spring around here and be able to walk seeing the flowers without the rain.

So enjoy the day whether it is for St. Patrick’s or not. Don’t let the day of the week or holiday decide what you will do. Every day is a precious one since we have so few and again we don’t know will this be the last one for us. Oh don’t forget to smile!

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