Friday, March 18, 2016

Charlie and Snoopy

Most of us have read the Peanut comic strip and seen either on TV or in the movies. I know that I have read the strip since I was a small boy.

Charlie and Snoopy show us how important it is to be a friend. Of course I have been writing about there is nothing better than having friends especially in those cases where people are friends for a life time. In fact I have to say that couples that have a successful marriage usually begin being friends that lead into love.

Though I have never been married and still look forward to the time when it will happen in my life I still seem to have doubt. I know one thing for sure that friendship last forever over love. What I mean by that is that circumstances can happen where love seems to go away where friendship will allow the couple to stick together.  I believe the couple really hasn’t lost love at all it just has been misplaced for a while.

Getting real personal for some couples I heard a few weeks ago where an older couple said that they no longer had sex together however were still great friends and why their marriage was still together. I know sometimes the lack of physical contact separates couples frequently however those who are willing to stick it out know what the most important things in life are. Most often in older age you are together for your children and grandchildren besides the friendship.

I know now that at my age getting married will be not only for love and friendship it is enjoying the children and children of the woman I marry. Though I would love to have children now I feel loving her children and grandchildren would be a really good experience too. In this case I would choose to love them with my whole heart.

Getting back to Charlie and Snoopy they have a special love that many have with their pets. I have had close family members who have lost their dogs in the last couple months who were with them for many years and they were very much part of their family. I know that the cats we had in my family growing up were very much part of the family and we missed them very much when they died.

Like I have said several times on this blog family and friends are very important part of our lives. Everyday could be the last time we seem them so it important to tell them over and over again how we feel about them.

I know that death is part of life however when someone passes on from here I feel somewhat strange about it. I have to say they don’t seem dead to me I feel as though they are on a journey and someday I will see them again. I feel all those who go before me I will see them again on the other side. Not only will I see them they will meet me the day I enter heaven. It will be more than a reunion it will be for me being home again. I am not in a hurry to go because there is so much left to do though it is not my choice for the time and day to my final resting spot. I believe we all have more of a purpose to do here on earth and those we leave behind will benefit from it. I believe it includes you! Have yourself a wonderful weekend!


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