Friday, May 20, 2016

Moving On

 My last post I wrote about being a new person the one that we are created to be. So here it is about moving on from the old one. Actually the person other people may have said we were instead of who we truly are.

I have mentioned before that we need to be mentored along with mentoring others. This is part of the process of moving on. We must be encouraged by a person we admire that we see being like in some ways. We are our own person created in a unique way however there are those who are like minded though a bit different. Moving on is finding someone to that has gone through many of the steps we are working on right now. The one we mentor is someone who admires us and is in the place we once were. They allow us not to be totally focused on ourselves. Also our purpose and destiny includes helping others.

I believe though some of those friends we spent time with in the past we may have to leave in the past for a period of time. Right now they may be hurting us to move on to being the person we are meant to me. Other words they could drag us down and back into the place we once were. This does not mean we won’t be friends with them in the future just not right now. There is a good possibility of hard feelings however you can communicate that you are no longer wanting to do the things you did before that you are looking to be a better person. Even though this is hard on them and you to that   that they understand where you are at right now; let them know that if something comes up that they will get your help but you can’t spend as much time with them any longer. Another name for this is called tough love.

We need to realize to that this change in our lives is a marathon and the change can take some time. This all depends on the individual because some can go faster than others. I believe the problem in many ways that got us in the position we are being not the real us is comparing ourselves to others. We so much want to be like them or we have been told that we will not accomplish anything. We are a no good thing which is a total lie. We all were created for a purpose no matter what others have put on us. Now we have to move on and live the life we are destined for. If you haven’t found a mentor I would go to a friend that you trust and ask them to mentor you or someone they know that can. We are on this earth only for a short period of time and we must make the best of us. Remember my purpose is to give hope to the hopeless. I hope that I have helped you to move on to the next step. Also remember to take tiny steps to it doesn’t happen all in one day. Look back to today in six months and a year to see how far you have come. Best wishes from Herb.

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