Thursday, May 19, 2016

The New Us

Right now there is so much talk about our identity specifically sexually. This is not what I am referring too. I am more into improving on our old self becoming a new self.

To be the person we were created to be in the first place we become a new person. You may say that you like the person you are however none of us are perfect. In fact I have to say we have been evolving into the person we are. Parts of us are truly the person we were meant to be however there are parts of us that we were not intended to be. It may sound confusing because that is how it started out in the beginning. We were born with our own personality and character which we still have whether we know it or not.  For many of us we became a different person than we were intended to be. We were shaped by our parents to act in a particular way or those in our lives telling us we are losers.  Maybe you are quiet and shy because that is how people made you feel. On the other hand you became loud because of how people treated you. Hopefully over the years you have become more like the person you were created to be.

I know in my life I am becoming more and more like the person I was intended to be. My personality hasn’t really changed and I will stay that way the rest of my life however I am more than what others told me. In my case the negative ideas of myself had to do with circumstances beyond my control. Actually it works that way for all of us to some degree or another. As a young child I had a problem hearing so I did not really start talking until I was five years old. I did not catch up to my reading level until I went into tenth grade taking a speed reading class during the summer. Up to that point I never really considered myself very smart because I was not a normal child at least in my mind anyway. I know to that some other kids did not make me feel that way either. Now I see myself as a smart person that knows about a lot of different subjects. It doesn’t change the fact that I started off slow however at least I have now made it. This is the new me or maybe the improved old me. Doesn’t really matter does it. I now know that my purpose and destiny is to give hope to those who are hopeless. Although I wished my life would have started in a more normal fashion (how I see it anyway) if it wasn’t’ for how things have gone along the way I would not understand how to give hope to the hopeless. This is what makes it all the more exciting we are the person we were created to be and we learned both from the good and the bad. The most important thing now is to live as the new person and we will involve each day more like this person. It is OK that you like the old you because it is part of the new you. If you haven’t up to this point shown off the real you or better known as the new you let the world see it.

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