Monday, May 9, 2016

My Story

I find it really nice to write to people who enjoy reading about my story. We all have a story to tell whether we realize it or not. Everyone can learn from each other.

Each day that turns into a week, a month, and a year brings together a new chapter. What I hope to is learn something new each day. Also, I find it important to have as much joy as possible though it is not always easy to find.

It is important that I can pass on every l learn onto others. At the end of the day say yes it was a good day even if the circumstances are not always easy.

I know that my life story did not start out every easy however where it is now I have come a long ways. The first early years were tough to say the least. My parents had to be sure to watch my health. My mother especially made sure that I was able to get what I needed to stay alive. I may not have the story correct but she was afraid as a baby that I could come down with ammonia. She made sure the house stayed warm enough so I would not get affected. You see she had an older brother who died as a baby from the decease and did not want me fall to it either.

When I was four I was burned. My pajamas were caught on fire by the stove. You see I was trying to cook an egg because I was allergic to them. Not a smart idea I would say for sure. My sister Barb was twelve and half saw I was on fire so she screamed out loud, our mother came and put it out. Our father than rushed me to Mary Bridge Hospital Burn Center where I was at for six weeks. I was fortunate not being burned on my face and I was able to survive; if the timing had not been so perfect like my sister not being in the room likely I would not have made it.

During that same period of time I had a problem with my hearing and speech. I could not hear correctly and they found out later that I had wax in my ears. There was other issues with my hearing which I my mother says not sure what they were however removing the wax cured a lot of it. Before entering kindergarten I had to go to a speech therapist to help with my speech. Let you know I was told all this because I do not remember any of this.

The whole issue with speech put me behind in school in regards to learn to read and write English. It wasn’t until high school I caught up with both. I consider it amazing that I am able to write this blog because of the experience at such a young age.

This shows me that we can all overcome obstacles and circumstances from our past. This is really true if you have the determination to do so like I did. You see for a while I felt like I was different than the other kids and I wanted to be like everyone else. In some respects I am different than others however it is OK because I know it is the purpose and destiny in my life. I can relate to others who have had to deal with circumstances that were out of their control just like me.

The chapters now in my life are different than in those days. We do no longer have to think of ours in the same way we did back in the early chapters. Not only that we do not have to believe what others said about us either. We are overcomers and champions living a new life. Not only today but tomorrow and all the days ahead in our lives; only you can make how the story continues and ends.



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