Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Mt. St. Helen’s Eruption

Today May 18 is the 36th anniversary of the volcano eruption to Mt. St. Helen’s in 1980. The mountain is in the southwest part of the State of Washington.

I have to admit that I have never gone and visited the site since it happened however I plan to do so. Since I write stories once in a while about events happening in the area it would be a good idea to do so.

I remember that day working for my dad and we were all talking about it. I don’t think it happened that day however we did have some ash that landed on the grown. My dad’s business was in Tacoma and we were hoping the ash would not affect us which it did not. It is the only eruption occurred in this area since I have been alive. I don’t recall whether we had any ash in Gig Harbor or not. I believe we did just not as much as Tacoma. The ash actually covered most of the state of Washington. Now you can go on guided tours to see Mt. St. Helen’s. I am sure that there will be a lot of people visiting the site today.

I remember the anniversary very well because it is the day after my birthday. Also I know a gal who was born on May 16, 1980 two days before the eruption. It is easy to keep track how old she is. Of course I don’t say anything to her about it.

I don’t remember how many people who died on the mountain that day except there was an old man named Harry Truman. He actually was a relative to the President of the same name. He refused to leave the mountain though he was given plenty of time to go. This was the same for any others who died that day.

There were people who evacuated from nearby towns as well as the mountain. Though there was the ash the eruption did not cause much damage in the rest of the state. I am sure there were people who left for a little while besides those living in the evacuated towns. It is scary to be involved in an eruption that you have no experience in before and you live two hours away. I can’t imagine those who lived even closer. Anyway these are my memories to the eruption.

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