Monday, August 1, 2016

Having the Faith

What has been happening across the United States and the rest of the world we need faith going along with hope. There are more than just the terrorist attacks there are more shootings happening across every country beyond normal I believe or maybe the media is just reporting more of them.

Saturday night in a community just north of Seattle, Washington three young people were shot and killed around midnight where they were having a party; fortunately not more people were killed. There is no motive mentioned in the killings. One man living in the neighborhood said they have had no violence in the area for more than twenty-one years. I am sure there are other neighborhoods across the world where this is happening as well.

Yes we are in a war both natural and supernatural. I am sure we will hear of more stories like the one above as well continued terrorist attacks. Where hope is falling apart we must have the faith to continue on. We must take action in praying for our countries and the world.

This year we are having a Presidential election here in the United States in November. I am not sure which way to go at this time because the two main candidates are not ones that I would choose to be President. I know that many will vote for one over the other because they don’t want the other candidate more than the one they are voting for. I feel this bringing confusion much as anything else. Most elections the majority don’t want the one who becomes President. The winner just wins by a small margin along with the fact many decide not to vote at all. I believe this election there will be more people deciding not to vote at all and many if not most are rooting against one candidate not to get in. Here is where faith comes in.

Since I am one as I have stated do not want either of the major candidates the President will not be of my choice. Actually here in Washington State where I live the election usually over before my vote is counted anyway so I may know before I cast my vote if I choose to vote at all. Also here in Washington State we vote by mail so I can send in my vote days before the election.

So my faith is that God is in control and whoever becomes President it is in his hands. Also I believe that since we are here for a purpose and destiny what we are here for will come to pass. Other words we will and must give hope to others regardless of the circumstances. This includes those who seem to have as much hope as we have. It is important our faith help people regardless of their religion or color of their skin or all backgrounds. Along with the faith and hope is love. We must demonstrate love to the fullest. This is what meant by being the ones who recognize the purpose and destiny in our lives. Again let’s pray and go for it.





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