A view of Ocean Shores
Westport Washington
La Push Washington
Forks Washington
has been a while since I last visited the Washington Coast. I am showing a few
pictures as well. The primary highway is 101 which actually go along the
California, Oregon and Washington coast. If you have a couple weeks or so to
travel highway 101 would be a wonderful way to go.
up our family took several trips along the Washington and Oregon coasts. The
last time I visited the area was going to Ocean Shores. A very lovely place to
see; my cousin Jennifer and her husband Holt this year moved to Astoria,
Oregon. Holt has retired and Jennifer is still working in the health insurance
industry. Holt grew up in Michigan while Jennifer lived all her life in Seattle
before moving to Astoria. Let you know that Astoria is the furthest city north
on the Oregon Coast. The first city south in Washington is Westport. It is
known for fishing and you can actually rent a fishing boat to go out into the Pacific
Coast. Ocean Shores is very close to West Port. If you fly into Seattle to get
to the Washington coast would be taking Interstate 5 south through Tacoma until
you reach the state capitol Olympia than take exit 104 and drive highway 2. It
is about a ninety five minute drive to Ocean Shores. You go through twin cities
of Aberdeen and Hoquiam get to the ocean.
we went to the ocean we would dig for clams and geoducks. I am not sure about
anyplace else however geoduck is quite known in Washington State and taste very
good. You can cook on the stove or an open fire.
north on Highway 101 you can turn inland to the Olympic Rain Forest and go to
the Hoh River or Lake Quinalt. Just follow the signs when you see them. Having
a map with you or gps is a good idea. The city furthest north is La Push. It is
actually unincorporated and is on the Quileute Reservation. A place you should
make sure to visit. Before La Push you would come to Forks, Washington actual
town in the Twilight novels. You can take Highway 101 east from Forks that goes
to Port Angeles. This is where you can catch a ferry that goes to Victoria,
British Columbia. Before arriving in Port Angeles you will see Lake Crescent to
your left. It is quite a winding road so always have thought it would be a
great place to have a car race. I am sure some cars would land in the lake
since you have to be careful when driving along the winding road. Continue east
on Highway 101 you go until there is an exit for highway 3 that goes to the
Hood Canal Bridge before arriving in Bremerton. If you stay on Highway 101 you
would windup back in Olympia. Arriving in Bremerton you can take the ferry to
Seattle or continue on to my home town of Gig Harbor.
Port Angeles Washington
Below is the Hood Canal Bridge

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