Friday, November 4, 2016

Stepping Up

I really like it when others are stepping up and making a difference in this world. Most of those I know do it without a lot of people knowing. A friend of mine Mike when he is in town picks up a guy who is living in a nursing home and takes him out for coffee so others can see the guy along with letting him have some time out in the world. The guy doesn’t have much time seeing others besides the ones in the nursing home. I believe Mike is one of those guys who are willing his sacrifice for others. They step out to help people without fanfare along with few people knowing.

I know a lot of people who do things that others don’t see. They are the heroes in the true word. I know a lot of people stepping up and helping others like Mike. Whether this is his ultimate purpose in life he is doing for others in a great way. I don’t know how long his friend has to live however Mike is making it more comfortable to live out his days. Mike is out of town a lot so his friend Larry helps out as well. Another hero we have. I know that Larry helps out other people as well.

Whether we have a lot of time or not when we can help a fellow man even a little bit the better. This goes even giving a helping hand like opening a door or inviting someone over for dinner. I believe this includes shaking a hand or a smile. We can all receive a helping hand at any time. Our lives are short and we never know how long we will live on this planet so knowing that we care for others we make the world a better place to live. This will give us more of a purpose in life too. First begins with our family, friends and then others. I want to thank you all that are heroes in so many little ways.


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