Thursday, December 22, 2016

Three Kings

 For all of us that went to church as a child we know the story of the three kings or known as the three wise men. Also we sang in a choir or heard Christmas carols we know the song.

The story is taken place right after the birth of Jesus and it is written in only one of the Gospels the book of Matthew Chapter two beginning with verse one. The Three Kings came from the east. No one really knows where from actually however likely from Asia. They had seen in the sky a star that they followed. They wanted to meet the Messiah of the Jews. They brought gifts with them to give to baby Jesus however before arriving evil King Herod wanted to know where the baby was at so he could kill him so he ask the Kings to report back to him after they found him but they took another route home and not report to King Herod. It is possible that is how the name wise men came into the story. Herod was so upset that he had every boy at the age of two and younger in Israel killed. Before that happened Joseph the father of Jesus had a dream go to Egypt. He returned later to Israel when King Herod died.

I am not sure but I am not surprised if we started giving gifts at Christmas because of this story. I know that others have their own theories but this is a good own to me.

Whether they were Kings or just wise men we can follow their lives ourselves. We can look for wisdom and be wise under all circumstances. It is important to act on the thoughts or even dreams that we may have. It is important to act out our intentions. Not easy to do because I know that I haven’t always acted out my intentions.

If you have children I would read the story of the three Kings and sing the song to them. Continue enjoying your Christmas and the holiday season. Remember to have peace in your heart.   

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