Monday, January 23, 2017

Marching On

These days on social media there is so much happening in regards to politics no matter which side you on. Personally I am tired of it and some of the people I know feel the same way. So I don’t want to write here about my political views.

I feel that purpose and destiny is what we should focus on. In most cases that is one on one interaction. Of course there is time where safe protesting is in order even the ones that I may not agree with. The protesting I don’t like is the ones that happen like on May Day where the protesters violently destroy property and not out protesting a cause.

The woman’s march on Saturday that took place many parts of the world was safe in most instances. I understand that they feel that their rights might be lost which I don’t agree under Trump however they do have right to let everyone know how the feel. I know a lot Christians including myself were afraid that they would lose their religious rights if Hillary Clinton was elected President. Let you know that is my only statement concerning politics. This is probably the main reason that Trump is now President. Like many said better of two evils.

Though the women may have concerns about losing their rights and I know that they went out to protest because of Trump going into office I am sure that this will not be the last time. The truth is that I am not sure that anyone except those close to Trump really know what he will do over the next few months or years whether positive or negative. This is really why we need to know our purpose. I know mine is to encourage and give hope to those who need it.

These days what used to be good seem to be bad to so many while what was bad is now good. We need to let people know that there is hope in this world even when it doesn’t seem to be here. There could be a point where we may have to stand up for our rights that are being lost in our faces. I certainly know that I am not for being politically correct however I do know that we have to decide when the marching should begin.

The one thing that the President race showed me is that there is a lot of work ahead and that we must do what we can. I feel it is OK if we march to a different drum than the rest of the world. So keep up the good work that you are doing. In the end it is love that will help make the changes. God Bless you all!

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