Tuesday, February 14, 2017

St. Valentine’s Day

I will start out by wishing everyone a happy St. Valentine’s Day.  It is supposed to be the most romantic day of the year; at least for couples anyway. Those of us that are single it may be the day of wishing or not again.

Whatever the case is I hope that the goes well for everyone. This is a big day for card companies along with those that sell flowers and candy. Restaurants and movie theatres I expect will be busy as well.

The key to St. Valentine’s Day is getting your significant other a well-meaning gift. If you are a man is be sure that will be important for her. Often men think practical and that is what they will receive from their woman however it doesn’t work the other way. For the woman generally it has to have a lot of meaning behind it. Other words if you get the wrong gift for her you will be in the dog house for several days unless you have very well understand woman who knows you so well that is what she was expecting.

The couples who have been married a long time I have heard don’t consider St. Valentine’s Day being that important however I still recommend something really good to get them too. The main reason is that you will surprise them and they will feel so good that you don’t take them for granted. On the other hand they may feel so wonderful because you treat them in a manner that every day is St. Valentine’s Day. This will be good to for making this day special because you make every day special.

So I wish everyone a romantic day. If you don’t get what you thought you would be nice to them anyway, however let them know you like the effort sort of but looking for something more meaningful. Of course depending on the person you may have to put on a smiling face. Best wishes  to everyone.   

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