Monday, May 8, 2017

Being a Winner

When it comes to our lives, purpose and destiny we need to think of ourselves as being a winner. This doesn’t mean we are perfect or better than anyone else we just are meant to win. Also we need to see others as winners too or at least on the road to become winners.

Growing up our mentality was that there were either winners or losers and often others would tell us that we were losers unless they were our best friends. Most of that had to do with jealousy or how children acted.

I know as a child I didn’t feel like a winner most of the time and I was not told that I was one either. At some point or another we would come across a bully or be one ourselves; I know the experienced of being bullied. Not very fun that is for sure. Bullying has become even a bigger issue now than when I was a kid. Of course now there is the internet and social media where people can really be mean and let others know it about you. They can lie to the world besides doing it to your face. My solution at the time was that I stood up to the bullies in my life. I believe still today that is a good solution as long as you don’t beat up the bully. You see most bullies I had experience with were very insecure in themselves. They intimidated because they were bigger than the other kids and they had other kids come along side of them. Depending where you live weapons can become part of bullying. I didn’t have to worry about weapons or at least I didn’t think about them anyway. In my time I didn’t think about going to anyone about me being bullied. I am not sure if I thought anyone could help me anyway. Now there seems to be more awareness and caring about bullying so I believe children can go to someone to help them even if they are not their parents. Of course many that are bullied may not feel that they can get help. So if you have children that in the age when bullying happens make them aware not to be part of the problem but the solution.

  Again as a child I played sports where there was a winner and a loser. Today the children being taught that there is no winners and losers. I am not sure whether that is good at all. I believe most kids know whether they are good at a sport or not even if scoring isn’t being taken. They need to be assured that they are winners whether on the playground or not. Emphasize what they are good at and minimize what they are not good at. For those that don’t have the natural ability in what they are trying to accomplish it will take extra work for them. It is important to know what is real and not stay away from it. Like me some kids may take a while to get where they are in their gifts and talents. Help and encourage them. This can go for adults as well. We are all winners or at least on the road to becoming one.

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