Sunday, May 28, 2017

Mind Intact

I know that the older we get the more we forget. Some people when they forget say it is a senior moment. That is fine as long as it doesn’t happen a lot. We don’t want to go into the area where we lose our minds altogether.

So I believe it is important to keep our mind intact. I mentioned before exercising our minds is as important as our bodies. Meditation I have mentioned before is a good way for us to be thinking. Whether you are a big reader or not think on those things that you read about. I read a lot of the Bible and then think on what I have read. I read at a good speed and then something that perks my interest I slow down on. I think more about what I have slowed down on however I can still think about what I have read on good speed or what may be better called normal speed. After you stop reading I believe you can think or meditate on what you have read. You can do that for a few minutes or even longer. If you have something that must be done when you finish reading you can think about it during what you are doing or when you finish the task depending on whether you think you can do both at the same time. I find that days later I will think about what I have read earlier because I was meditating on it.

Often I will think about what I plan to write here on this blog. I find it easier and faster to write what I want if I am thinking about it before hand. I don’t have all the content however the subject and some points.  I have a journal to where I can write main points down to think about at a later time or what to write about.

Whatever way that you want to do it important to think throughout the day and the thoughts that come into your mind that are positive is what you should think about. Other words anything that is negative get it out of your mind as fast as you can. Often this is how stress comes upon us. We think about circumstances that are negative. Stress if we hold on to it too long will be bad for us. Release the stress when you feel it come upon you and a very good reason to think about the positive.

I don’t think we have to think about a lot of different things or subjects but think about little things. Also speak out or laugh about what you are thinking. Let you know that your mind will thank you.

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