Friday, June 9, 2017

Fun and Games

Now that summer is ready to arrive it is time for children to have fun and games. It would be easy to ask parents to relax and allow your children have a good time however since they are not mine you must do what you must do but I recommend that they have fun. They are only children once in their lives.

I remember I spent three years going to YMCA camp for two weeks. My parents sent me along with my two brothers. I am not sure they wanted to get us out of their hair for a couple weeks or not but we did have a good time. We went swimming, arts and crafts, and archery among the activities. I got to know other kids who came from Tacoma and areas nearby. One of the kids and I think it was my last year in camp was living in Tacoma at the time. I found out that his father worked part-time in my dad’s drapery business as an installer. His primary job was a fireman for the Tacoma Fire Department and my dad hired several firemen who worked when they had off-days. The kid’s name was Gary. The rest of the story was Gary’s family moved to Gig Harbor when we were in ninth grade. So we were classmates and graduated together at Peninsula High School. It was a great way to hook up once again after camp. In fact at school when we first met again we both remembered each other.  

This is why going to camp for a child is so important they not only get to have fun and enjoy games they meet other children their age. Some of these children friendships can last a long time or one time so whatever the case summer vacation memories will last for a life time.

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