Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Always Lifting Ourselves Up

When it comes to hearing we often need to be told over and over again several times. In fact I was once told that for us to get the message we need to hear it at least seven times. The message will have to be told in different ways so the person doesn’t realize that they have heard the message many times. This goes for being encouraged by others and ourselves.

We all want to be encouraged in one way or another. Life isn’t easy so we are insecure in one way or another so having others to tell us that we can make it or be affirmed too.

Not always do we have others to encourage us so we must be able to encourage ourselves as well. I believe the best way to do that is for us to meditate. Take a few minutes every day and meditate on the good. Other words have messages that we have heard before that are positive. Every day I read five Psalms out of the Bible and I can get something good out of them. Other things to meditate on are words of encourage that friends have told us in the past.  I find meditating on one word or phrase throughout the day can change our lives.

Although we want to be encouraged by others it is not always easy to find someone to do so that is the reason we must do so ourselves.

I found in the past that I would get depressed and I didn’t know how to get out of the dark side. Usually this happens because we spend too much time thinking about what is going in our lives. We get on our own pity party and after a short time this is when we get depressed. Usually what happens is that we get jealous of others on what they have and what we don’t have. I believe this starts when we are children and so we continue on this being adults too.
You may believe that you don’t have the time to meditate and encourage yourself. I recommend doing so first thing over breakfast or when you are at lunch. Find a place that you can’t be disturbed. If neither of those times are good than take the time after getting off work. The important thing is to do so the same time every day. Oh by the way I have to take my advice to. Until next time I hope that building yourself up well make everything better

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