Tuesday, August 8, 2017

What Does Pressing On Mean?

I am sure all of us have our own meaning of what pressing on means. Since it is what I wanted us to consider for the 2017 to press on to our goals it is important to know the meaning as well to accomplish these goals.

We are called to a purpose and destiny to press on for me means that we do not stop moving on toward meeting the purpose.  At times there will be opposition to us meeting our purpose so we can’t ever give up. Actually we are in a battle where Satan wants to stop us from meeting our purpose. In fact that his number goal is that we never meet our purpose so he will do everything he can that will stop us. We have to realize that pressing on is what we must do to achieve the purpose and destiny but he will put doubt in our minds. Other words he will make us think that we can’t meet our purpose or even greater that we don’t have a purpose and destiny. This is where most people live not knowing their purpose and destiny. They are stopped because they don’t believe.

For us that do believe we must never give up and press on to meet our purpose and destiny regardless what is happening in our lives. I am not saying it will be easy because honest truth it will not be. In many ways the battle is a major part of our purpose and destiny. Whatever you do never give up and walk the path you meant to be on regardless how tired you may become. In the end each of us will be victorious in our purpose and destiny. I encourage you to press on no matter how long it takes. Remember it is not about us but all the people. We can not only meet our purpose but help others to meet theirs as well. No matter how difficult it may be we can do it with a smile as well.

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