Friday, April 6, 2018

Our Thoughts

A few years ago I was wondering if it might be a good idea not to think so much. I thought thinking was a bit overrated and it would be nice to clear my mind in that area but I found out that was hard to do. Also I realized that thinking is part of my purpose in life. Why do I say that? Well I can’t help others whether in this site or wherever I meet them.

I come from a very intellectual family. Because of my early childhood where I had a problem hearing and I didn’t talk until I was five years old my start was late. My older brother Dick was high on the food chain you may say when it came to intelligence. He was the smartest guy I have ever known. My other siblings and I compared ourselves to him. My younger brother Jack went to Harvard so you see another intelligent sibling but he still felt compared to Dick. Even now that Dick has been gone for a while. He died when he was thirty-eight years old and I still miss him every day but we still compare ourselves with him. Not a bad thing because we all come from the same DNA. Both my sister Barb and Jack have intelligent children as well each with different gifts and talents. It is interesting Jack son Ian who is his second son like I am we have some of the same way of thinking and personality. Also his penmanship is similar to mine as well. I believe our purpose is similar as well though he does it in a different manner than I do. He has done some writing as well. He has written plays along with a book and he has written music as well. Also we pick things up well to. What I mean by that is that we are able to think at a faster rate than others in our family. I wasn’t able to study growing up very well because of my hearing problem but he didn’t have the same limitations however he didn’t study hard like his brothers and sisters. It doesn’t mean he didn’t study it is that he picked them up faster so didn’t have to study as long. So you see that is the reason I didn’t want to think so much a few years ago because thoughts came to my mind very fast.

It is all interesting because growing up I didn’t think of myself as being intelligent though I learned after I became an adult that some of my classmates thought of me that way.

So what I am saying here right now doesn’t discount the gifts and talents that you have even if they are different than your siblings or other people. It is common for us to compare ourselves to others but we should stop doing so and do those things we are meant to do. In a way like I have written here a good idea to write down your thoughts you probably get amazed what you write. Amen!  

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