Friday, April 27, 2018

Whispering Voices

 I have mentioned before that since we were born or at a very young age anyway most of us have never been encouraged to be the best that we can be. In fact negative words have been thrown our way on many occasions. This is where whispering voices come into our heads telling us that we will never meet up to our purposes. This happens often regardless how successful we are. I am not saying this because we are somewhat crazy because we have voices in our head the thing is we all hear voices in our heads in one degree or another. This doesn’t make us crazy it is the reality of life.
The important thing for us is to not believe the thoughts that come in our heads and what other people say about us whether from the past or even currently. The important thing is to be around people that care enough for us that they give us encouraging words in the same manner we should give to others as well.
So what I am saying here is whispering voices are in our lives whether good or bad and the most important thing is not to listen to the bad ones even those that might have some truth in them. That is the major problem is those words have enough truth in them that we believe the words but in reality they are lies. We may never live up to the highest level but we must try to do the very best we can. We may go beyond our own expectations and that is a good thing. We should never feel superior to others but at the same time never see ourselves below others either. I am not say that because I have made it already on the contrary every day I have to get the thoughts out of my mind that I will never be good enough. So other words we are all on the same play level. So let’s press on and take one step at a time. Amen!


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