Monday, May 28, 2018

Having Patience

I believe one of the hardest things to maintain is having patience. If you are good at being patient it likely is a gift from God. At least that is my opinion anyway.

I am probably more patient than I realize however it isn’t something easy for me. It is important to be patient because darkness and negative thoughts come in. The lack of patience can bring self-pity, anger and bitterness to name a few negative thoughts.

It is important to have patience and it will take time to do so. Sort of a funny thing to say in a way because patience means it will take time.

I know that there are desires we have sometimes takes years to materialize. I have had friends say that you must be patient. I know that is true but how long do we have to be patient? They may not understand that the desires have been going on for ten, twenty or thirty years or even a lifetime. The answer to go with patience is faith. We must believe the desires will be fulfilled someday even if it never happens. Faith is what we must have for those desires that we have longed for many years otherwise anger and bitterness could rule our lives.

Most likely the desires we have still looking to be fulfilled others are going through the same thing and this is where our purpose comes in as well. We can help others who are going through the same thing and we are strengthened at the same time. We can put faith into others that will make our faith stronger to. I am saying these words for encouraging others but to encourage myself to. Often we have to hear the words over and over again. Please comment if you have some encouraging words and you have overcome areas of impatience. Thank you!


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