Sunday, July 15, 2018

Family Traveling in Europe

This week my niece Leslie posted a lot of pictures on Facebook from her trip along with her husband Daniel to France and Sweden. Many of the photos were of churches and cathedrals. It was easy to tell with all the stain-glass windows.

They spent a week in France and another week in Sweden. They had been in France before however the first time in Sweden. At the same time they were on their trip her brother Danny was traveling in Italy then spent a couple days in France before meeting up in Moscow, Russia with his brother Robbie. They were there for the World Cup. They saw two matches with one in Moscow and the other in St. Petersburg. I am sure they had a grand time beyond seeing the World Cup.

I don’t think Danny and Robbie are as much into taking pictures as Leslie so not sure whether they will download any on Facebook I will have to see. I did get to see a few pictures of Danny and his traveling mates as they met up with Leslie and Daniel in Marseille. The background was familiar to me since I did spend a day in Marseille when I traveled through France several years ago. All that part of the world is beautiful.

As they all returned home my nephews Ken and Connor traveled to Berlin. Expecting some pictures from them for sure; Ken in fact mentioned he would do so. It is interesting that most of the next generation is traveling this summer while we spend our time at home however I am expecting a visit soon from my sister Barb who is the mother of Ken and Connor.

I have friends who are traveling in England and Ireland right now as well. Look forward to hear stories from them as well.

It is a good time to travel although the weather here is fantastic right now. I hope to travel in the future myself.

When possible though use your gifts and talents with people who are in other countries as well. We have to remember that everyone needs to receive them not just our family and friends. So when you travel do the best you can to fit in with the residences. I am sure they will appreciate it well as you. Safe travels around the globe everyone.

Leslie and Danny in Marseille France

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