Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Recognized For Our Accomplishments

We all know about award shows among places where people are recognized for their accomplishments. It is a good thing for those who would not be recognized otherwise.

My sister Barb retired at the end of 2018. She not only did a job faithfully for like 30 years but so with little fanfare. The last couple of years or so she was given the title of mentor to help others doing the same job at the law firm she worked at.

Barb never cared much about being recognized for the job she did faithfully for so many years, however, her co-workers did so.  At the law firm’s Christmas Party they named her employee of the year for her faithfulness and contributions. They also surprised her by calling a board meeting which she was invited to for a surprise retirement party.  I would likely never have known except one of her co-workers posted on Facebook.

When it comes down to it there are millions every day who do things that will never be recognized; this is OK as well. I want to thank them for the things they do and the purpose for which they were created to do.

Before writing this I realized everything around us has a story. There was someone who invented the materials that make up the building I live in and those who put this building together. I have the computer I am writing on right now then there is the bed I sleep and the lights that are on. This doesn’t count the television I watch or the food that I eat.

There are again millions of people behind all these stories that are being told each day. Most of them we don’t know their name at all. Thank you!

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