Friday, January 4, 2019

You’re Purpose For 2019

We have the purpose we were created for plus the purpose we may decide on the days, weeks, months and year. They could be the same or different.

I have mentioned before about writing down our purposes. So this could be a good time to do so. Writing those we can do right now on this day plus those in the days ahead for this year.

 You might be a mentor for someone or a group or several people or groups. A good idea to put down those people and groups you plan to help throughout the year. How you plan to help them or teach them. Areas you might decide to add on to those you have already done.

I hope whomever you helped in 2018 will be helped even further this year. There could be those you are friends with that you may help in another manner. Right down your purposes to help them as well.

Another reason to write these things down at the end of the year you can see the progress has happened over the year. This will give you continued confidence in your purposes. Sometimes we may think our purposes don’t work out and this will show they do. Amen!

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