Friday, April 26, 2019

Talents and Gifting Do Run in Families

Though we get our talents and gifts from God many of them run in our families.

My older brother Dick was brilliant in math. He probably knew more math than most of us would ever know about or even cared for that matter. The world lost a great man and soul when he died at the age of 38. I still miss him a great deal although he has been gone for a long time. Other members of the family have been good at math as well though not at his level. We believe we have a math gene.

Thursday I received a copy of my cousin Jennifer Nightingale’s first novel called Alberta and the Spark. It is about a 13-year-old girl living in the Pacific Northwest during the 1970s along with a close friend Felix. We have had a few other relatives writing as well. Jennifer and I one of our great-great grandfather’s was a writer as well although he didn’t do it as an occupation. He wrote about the history in the area he lived in England.

Jennifer has always loved reading books all of her life like many in my family along with the outdoors. She has written poetry as well so I expect some in this book well as about books and then there is music. I am sure Alberta loves music too.

Her writing is somewhat like mine but I am sure she has her own style. Also, she has a purpose to reach people in a different avenue than I.

So though talent and gifting can be the same within a family the purpose of using it can be different.  I figure that I will learn more about my cousin well as her purpose. If you are interested in buying her book

Like so many in my family, I am sure she will be surprised by her success with this book. I have a family that not only I am proud of but how humble they are as well.

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