Saturday, February 22, 2020

Kind Gestures

In a world where people are still bad or in some
cases pure evil it is nice to find those who will
give a kind gesture.

We still hear  of children being bullied on a
daily basis by other children. Children that
don't have the strength to fight back.

I remember a period of my childhood where
I was bullied by a few older kids on a regular
basis; however, I realized that I had to fight
back if it were not going to end.

I didn't think my parents could help and didn't
have anyone I felt could help. I did know some
older boys that helped me out.

Most bullies have no security in their lives.
They feel to get along in the world they have
to bully other kids. This is especially true if
they are taller and stronger than the kids they
are bullying.

So yesterday someone I have known for a long
time when I went to the coffee shop decided he
would buy me my salad and drink. I see him at
the shop on occasion. It wasn't planned because
I didn't know he would even be there at the time
I arrived but he wanted to give me kind gesture.

Yes there are still a lot of people who will be kind
though not always easy to point out. Be one of those
who are kind and help out another person even if
they don't need it. Our lives will be better in this
world. Amen!

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