Thursday, May 14, 2020

Throw Back Thursday

This is very common to see on social media
in the USA anyway being called "Throwback

Right now we don't have to go back very long
ago to remember when life was normal. We
have to have strong faith to make it every day.
Not an easy task for many.

I think back to last year when I was thinking
about all these new homes being built in the
area of Gig Harbor, Washington what if there
is an economic collapse what will people do.
Both the owners and the developers, however,
primarily the homeowners who have put so
much money into their homes.

I had no idea even in my wildest dreams a
virus would hit shutting down most businesses.
I found it interesting two months ago on the
television on the news plan don't panic although
it sounded like panic in the stories. Now we
have the need of faith.

Next Thursday I will go into another throwback
Thursday. In the meantime, be well and strong.

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