Friday, September 25, 2020

Life Purpose: God Knows You

Yes I read a post about our life purpose which
was funny but what I got most out of it is God
knows us so well.

God knows us more than any human being.
He knows our heart better than we know it.
We may stumble and fall; he is still there to
pick us right up.

You may wonder if he hears us at all. Let 
you know he does. We have to listen back
to get the response.

It is easy to be discouraged when we don't
have the answers. Just keep plowing along
and the day will come when the answer is
with you. Be persistent in asking even if
it has been awhile waiting for the answer.

I know this because there has been things
I have waited my whole life where the 
answer hasn't come yet.  I have to have
the faith it will happen and when it does
I will be jumping for joy. Amen!

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