Monday, November 2, 2020

Hope and Faith

Hello it is morning of November 2 here in the
Pacific Northwest of the United States.

Tomorrow will be the election for the President
of the United States of  America. In my state
of Washington we have election of our governor
well as other positions.

First of all I want to thank any of you who have
been praying for our elections. It looks like it
maybe a record election as far as how many
people will be voting.

The important thing though whoever wins even
if it is the person you did not vote for is to be 
sure to keep your hope up along with your faith.

Don't be discouraged thinking life has ended and
we have no where to go. The USA is still a strong
nation though this year like for most places has 
been tough. Also, continue to pray for USA well
as the other nations. Amen!

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