Thursday, January 14, 2021

Take A Breather

Though we were created for times like this.
To help out our fellow man well as seek out
for God. It is important to take a breather.

In the old testament God set apart the seventh
day for Israel to take rest. For much of the time
they forgot about the Sabbath. The day was
meant to take a day off from work once a week.
Other words take a breather.

I am sure today the Jews don't take the Sabbath
off unless they are hardcore Jews that is.

I remember as a child where stores were closed
on Sunday. You couldn't find a store around that
was open I recall anyway. If there was only one
was open. I don't remember whether gas stations
were closed to but most likely not.

Though we don't have to take a full day off from
doing anything we should take a little while to
take a breather. This is especially true if we are
stressed out. 

So if you are someone who keeps going and going
take a breather besides waiting for a vacation. It
would be nice to take a full hour off but if it is only
fifteen minutes it is still good. It is sort of like taking
a nap for us old guys. lol

Any way that is my thought for the day. Keep doing
what God has instructed you to do. A short breath
will you accomplish all you can. Amen!

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