Thursday, March 25, 2021

All In The Timing

On Wednesday when I had my covid-19
vaccine shot I had to wait four and a half
hours to get it. Had I been there five minutes
earlier I would have likely only waited three
and a half hours.

It made me think how different our lives
might be because of a few minutes or a 
few seconds.

We might avoid an accident either way
or even something more serious like a
shooting. Often those things happen 
being in the wrong place in the wrong

Our lives are being led in the fashion
they should be. We can't think about
what may have been or what difference
something could have been too. We 
can only live life the best we can.

Delays for one reason or another can
totally change the course of our lives.
God knows where we should be at 
all times. He likely allows a delay to
be sure we are OK. We just have to
think it that way right! Amen!

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