Sunday, June 27, 2021

Dealing With The Heat

When it comes to our lives I guess at
some point you have to deal with heat.
I thought I wouldn't have to in Western
Washington, however, this weekend it
is not the case.

For the first time we have temperatures
in double digits. We were asked to stay
indoors for the most part because of the
heat and drink water. 

I spent most of my time indoors going 
out once when it was at the highest point,
however, I wasn't out for very long. I
went to my favorite coffee shop which
has air conditioning. I don't have air
conditioning in my place though I do
have a fan which I turned on in the 
middle of the night. Also, I have the
sliding door open for few hours before
the temperatures start rising once again.

It is amazing to have to make adjustments
to our lives under trying circumstances.
Not only heat but for health as well. I 
hope people were careful, however, I 
am sure the hospitals had some people
who couldn't handle the heat and decided
to go out anyway. 

Tuesday the temperatures are supposed 
to decrease back down to normal for 
a time until next weekend when have
double digits happen again. Not as high
as Monday fortunately. 

I wonder if we will have temperatures
like this the rest of the summer or just
for these two weeks. Time will tell
we will see. I was hoping for a family
reunion on July 4th, however, not having
this year. This reunion would have been
mostly second cousins. I look forward
to the reunion next year instead.

I am sure we will all cope with the 
changes whether long or short. All
we must do. 

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