Saturday, July 24, 2021

Alexander Hamilton the Play

On Friday at my favorite coffee shop I saw
an acquaintance come in after being there a
while. I spoke to a couple other acquaintances'

He was sitting at the bar next to where customer
pick up their drinks or other goodies. I sit
there quite often myself. He had a copy of
a book on Alexander Hamilton. After our
greeting I ask him whether the book was the
history or the play.

I was told it was about the play. I ask him had
he seen the play yet. He told me he had seen
it on Disney + since the play had been cancelled
because of covid-19. Plans to go see the play
in May when it opens on Broadway.

The book I saw he was in the middle of it. He 
told me he was skimming through the book.
He does love reading books.

I asked him about his wife and family as well.
Everything good going on there. I feel it is
so important when chatting with someone to
meet them right where they are at. I expect
people to do the same for me. 

We said our goodbyes and look forward to
seeing each other again. What a wondaful
time of sharing.

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