Thursday, October 21, 2021

Our Own Story

I know I have mentioned it before but we all
have our own story. Those who are writers
whether on a blog or a book use their story
when writing. This is whether the book is
non-fiction or fiction.

As for me my greatest satisfaction is able
to make a difference in other people's lives
whether large or small.

I find hearing about other peoples stories
is mine isn't as bad as others. We sometimes
think we have the worst of it. This is until
we hear others life experiences. It doesn't
devalue our experience but makes us 
realize that others are in tough situations
as well. 

Whether you are a writer or not it is good
to write your feelings down in a journal
at least. If you have thought about doing
your own blog it isn't real hard to do. All
you have to do is a search by putting in
blog and there you will find a way to
start a blog. Setting up a blog isn't very
difficult as long as you have some computer

A blog is sort of like a journal depending
on what you want your blog to be about.
Again I wish you the best and thanks again
coming here. Let your friends know about
me here. Amen!

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