Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Over the  centuries women  have 
been  abused in many cultures 
being like slaves or maybe  worse.

Women  have the same  capabilities 
as men though  not always given
the  opportunities. 

Each culture  today leadership has a
different meaning  between  men and
women. Some  cultures women may 
have great opportunities while others 
none and still abused.

Fortunately  in Western culture many 
women  have opportunities  to  succeed.
I would  say in the work place then the
home. Of course,  there is still  a  ways
to  go.

Growing  up  my father was a business 
owner and  my mother a teacher and coach.
Mother for the most part in charge of the 
finances. Prior to teaching  she worked
as a teller in a bank she knew how  to  reconcile 
bank statements.  I  think to dad had enough 
dealing with  finances  of work  he had no 
problem leaving it to mom at home.

As a kid I  didn't  know  what was going on
finances. All I knew I  had three meals a day
and clothing  as well. I  am  sure with larger 
expendures there were  discussions  between 
mom and dad. 

When I  was  12 the family  took a trip during 
the summer across  Canada and eastern USA.
Mom and  dad  purchased a tent trailer for us
to travel and live in. I am  sure  they had hours 
of discussion before  purchasing the tent trailer.
I  am  sure  dad made sure the car was in shape 
for the trip. 

Mom did more than  half of  the  driving on the
trip as dad had to fly back  to  get back to work. 
Quite an ordeal with three boys. Mom certainly 
showed off her talent and leadership. Our sister
Barb a college student at the time joined us in 
Montreal and her mother as well. We did our jobs
the boys putting  up  and down the tent trailer 
each day we traveled. I am sure you  understand 
it was a lifetime  trip for us. We met family and 
mother's  friends along the way. Mom grew up 
in Canada.

I am not  sure how Mom actually did it  but certainly 
showed  her leadership skills. While going from 
Nova Scotia to catch a ferry to Maine the car had
all four tires go flat and not at the same time I recall.
I know us boys were no help  in changing flat tires 
and grandmother  was almost 90. Though I  am sure
our sister helped though I  don't recall. I am  not sure 
how it happened  we still caught the ferry.  Mom
obviously kept  a level head.

This shows leadership  comes in different packages.
In a marriage each have to do their part to make it work. 

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