Saturday, March 5, 2022

Faith and Trust

When you're a mentor  or ministering to
someone it is important  they  know
whatever they share will  not be told
to  another. 

Actually it should be in any type of
sharing.  This is  especially true of 
someone you just met. 

It isn't  like you can't say anything you
can't go into detail  or give a name. 
When sharing with another person if
that person knows the  person you
speak about then mums the word.

If I am asked anything from a third-party 
I  usually say things went well and they
were encouraged. I  may say they were
blessed as well.  

If you were to  share anything the person 
should know you are. Still  nothing about
dark secrets.  I am  sure we wouldn't want
anyone to know ours. Amen!

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