Sunday, March 13, 2022

Judging Others

I see once in a while where someone 
says on social media they don't like
being judged.

We shouldn't judge others although I 
wonder those who say they are being 
judged feel bad or guilty about something 
in their lives.

I don't really think much about others
judging me. Either they like me or not.

Sometimes we  do need  to  judge the 
character of another person.  It is whether 
they are a friend or someone you are
interested in for a relationship whether as
a friend or romantically. 

There are people out there trying to take
advantage of us so important to judge on
it. Also, you have a friend who is  bringing 
you down in the way they act. Do you still 
want to be friends with  them?

Jesus Christ  said not to judge others. In
the case he was talking about someone's 
appearance.  You have to  go deeper with
someone besides how they look. 

We have to remember we all have feelings.
Act according to how you would feel.  😊😍

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