Saturday, June 24, 2023

About listening

I find listening  quite fascinating especially when 
chatting  on line with someone  you haven't  met 

It is fascinating  because  they are trying  to 
convince you to do something  like investing 
or giving them a gift card.

When you tell them like I  have that I am  not going
to do what they have asked.  The next thing  they
that you don't  trust me and you are not listening.

The first thing  how do I  trust someone  I have 
just met on line  and  I  have never met in person 
as well. Most of them are not willing  to do a video 
chat and give excuses why they can't. 

The world  of  scamming  is those people  will
convince  you to do something  despite  the 
fact you have never met  and when you don't 
agree they try to tell you don't  understand and
don't  trust them. In this case I  would stop
talking with them.

I  would go as far if you do meet  someone in
person and they try to  convince you without 
really  not knowing them or well  not do the same
thing.  If the person  you are talking  to  knows 
someone you do then speak that person about
them and even then see what comes out as well.

There is more to listening. If  you  are the person 
speaking  and wanting  them to listen to  you must
realize they may not agree with what you are saying. 
It doesn't  mean  they  are not listening  it means 
they are not agreeing with you. If you want them
to agree with you then ask them why they are not.
They might not be understanding what you are
saying. If they do let it go or explain more about
the subject you are talking about.  Again they
still don't  accept let it go at least for the time
being. The fact is they may  not  be ready to hear
what you are saying  right now. You have to
take each person in t h e situation.  Amen! ❤️❤️❤️

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