Monday, March 25, 2024

Gifts and Talents

I have mentioned  gifts and talents 
before. We live in two realms the
natural and the spiritual. 

Our talents are used in the natural 
world and for purpose as well.  Our
job or career  or vocation come from 
the talents we have. 

Jesus  Christ  when on earth  spoke I
parables.  He was Jewish  and  lived 
in Israel.  The Jewish  people  would
understand  his parables. 

Often his parables would be to farmers,
ranchers and those in sales like banking.
When it came to money his parables 
would be coins or talents. These talents 
would  be  in regards to money.

I find it interesting  because most of 
our jobs have to do with our talent.
How much we make depends how
people look at our  talent and the 
price tag so to speak on it.

Gifts  are more in the area of the
spiritual  though is is used naturally 
as well  since that is where we spend 
our time. It is where our purpose  can
be as well  in the natural.  

One gift is wisdom. There are those
who naturally  wise while you can 
use wisdom in regards to spiritual 
things. They both work the same way
really. Wisdom is used to make decisions 
whether for yourself  or for  others.

Though it is a spiritual  wisdom does
apply to the natural. Actually  all the gifts
do. Wisdom will change people's lives.
People may need to hear wisdom about
changing jobs or careers. Another example 
how to deal with their children. When we
don't  have answers wisdom will clear
things up.

There are other gifts such as prophecy 
and word of knowledge.  Those two
gifts along with wisdom  you must judge
them to. Otherwords when people may
tell you things that could  be  right or wrong.
Wisdom  could be used as giving you more
than one choice.  As in job or career or
your children. In your spirit  those things
will be confirmed  to you. 

So you see we have gifts and talents  to 
be used in our purpose.  Sometimes we
can take time to discover  our gifts and 

We may not even know that  we  have
either one without  trying first  for some.
You will  never know you have talent in
using an instrument.  In fact you may 
have to try more than one. It could be
in a sport as well.

Best to you in using your gifts and talents. 
Those around you will benefit a lot. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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