Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Being Righteous

Many people when asked if they will
go to heaven when they die their 
response is yes. The follow up is
why do you think that you deserve
to go to heaven their response is
I am a good person.

God has a standard and not one of us
meets it.  We have to be righteous and
we each miss the mark.  What must we
do?  The reason Jesus Christ came 
and died on the cross was to pay for our 
sins. He had no sins however put all
our sins on himself. All we have to do
is believe and ask forgiveness.

Some may say that is simple and it is. 
Accepting and believing in Jesus Christ
made us righteous though we don't 
deserve it. This to makes us have a
purpose beyond what we can imagine.
He did this demonstrating how much
he loves us. Amen!    ♥♥♥♥

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