Thursday, May 16, 2024


Here we are in the middle of May.
A good time to reflect on  the month.
What you have remaining  for May.
What plans you have for June.

Before coming down with my cold
I  had plans to  meet a gentleman 
from a church homegroup. I  have
had to put it off and hoping to still
meet this month. 

He has had failures in life where
he has rebounded. Be good to learn 
from him as well as giving him
encouragement.  I  have only known
him a few months so knowing him
better in a one on one basis besides 
in a group.  We plan to meet  for
coffee  or tea.

That is the great thing about our life 
purpose is gaining friendships besides
what we can do for others. In other
words it is a two way street. 

May you be blessed today and have
a wonderful  weekend  to.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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