Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Edify One Another

One important part of our life
purpose is to edify one another.
This means to build each other
up. I hope I do this for you each
time you read this blog.

Our gifts and talents we have is to 
build other people up. It is important
we appreciate others gifts and talents
as well. 

What I love about music is a tune
and words can build us up. The
words are like poetry. Sometimes
we can let the tune be the best
part however the words can be 
powerful. It is so important we
find songs that can give us rest, 
and edify us by building up our

Some songs the writer has words 
of despair out of their life experiences.
This is OK since we may have similar
experience too. The importance after
listening to those songs that we find
ones that can lift us up as well. Of 
course we can take songs of despair
and make them positive as well by
looking at hope through it all.

Though edifying others isn't the only
part of our life purpose it is still important.
It is important to find those people who
can edify us and those can edify as well.
They could be those who have gone
through similar life experiences as we

May you have a blessed and have joy
in your heart.  ♥♥♥♥

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