Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Faith For Expectation

We all have gone through life
experiences where disappointment
has left a spot in our hearts.

Faith is expecting what we desire
and have not come to pass as of 
yet to do so. 

We may have been waiting many
years and wonder why God these
desires haven't come to pass yet.

We must continue to have the
faith that they will come someday.
I know this for I have had desires
that I am still waiting to happen.
It is easy to just give up. I know I 
have often myself. 

Our faith doesn't have to be strong.
We just have to live with the faith
we do have. Though not easy when
the desire comes to pass we will
have the joy to go with it.

Jesus Christ said faith can be the
size of a mustard seed which isn't
big at all. So don't beat up yourself
if your faith is small. We should be
happy that we have the faith no
matter the size. Amen!


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