Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Going Out

It is so important we go out.
Our purpose is to go out and
reach others.

There is more to it than that.
Going out is important for us 
as well.

Not only can we give out to 
others we can receive from
them too.

In the gospels Jesus sent out
his disciples in pairs.  You can
enjoy each other as well as
each sharing with other people.

When the weather is good go
to a park.  Sitting on a bench
if available than you can see
other people. There you maybe
drawn to someone to talk to.

After a little while you can get
up and walk around. You may
have something to say. 

When you get home you can
think what went well with your
experience and what can improve
the next time you go out.

When you go out spend a minute or
two talking to someone else. During
the little time you may realize what
the may want. In fact you can ask
them if there is anything you can
do for them. 

Going in a pair others may feel more
comfortable talking with two. Also
if you meet another pair than you
can speak even greater. The important
thing is to ask them what you can
do for them. Everyone likes to talk
about themselves. This way you can
fing out if you have something in
common as well.

I hope this good tip for the day.
May your purpose and life be
blessed today and those you
meet and see.   ♥♥♥♥

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