Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Speaking Up

We are living in a world where
evilis shown as good and good
is shown as evil. We can see the
mindset of many over the last 
20 years or longer. 

I know each person who comes 
on this site hss a purpose to 
speak up. In fact I believe many

We each have a place of influence.
Even those who are quiet even are
speaking even though they may not
realize it. My father was quiet however
when he did speak he had a lot to say
even in a few words.

I encourage you to continue what
you are doing even if the results 
don't seem right to you. Even those
to whom you speak are going to deaf 
ears. We all remember what our
parents told us even those things
we may have not seem to listen
at the time.

Your effort is being noticed by others.
You reach those who I don't. You have
a group of influence. Whether the group
is large or small does not matter. For
they have others they influence too.
Thank you so much.  ♥♥♥♥

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