Sunday, May 26, 2024

Have Open Mind

We all need to use an open mind
to speak with other people no
matter how different  they are 
from us.

This doesn't  mean that  we have 
to be best friends  or even spend
a lot of time with them.

Most people  need someone  to 
talk too. This might  even getting
off something they have wanted
for some time.  

Our purpose  might be to help
others who are in need. They
are especially  the ones for us
to have an open mind. This is
true for anyone we may mentor.

An open mind will  help us to
figure out what their true need.
The important  thing is to love
others even those whose are
so much different  than  ours.
They may need to have someone 
to get them on the right track.

I hope this helps you out and is
a good encouragement. If you
ever have something  to  add 
don't  hesitate to write in the
comment section. Enjoy this
day.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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