Wednesday, May 29, 2024

War Is Won However

We have already won the war though
the battle continues.

Our enemy knows our weak spots
so in the battle he will continue to
tell us those weaknesses and how
unworthy we are as well making us
think he is winning.

We just have to say no when he brings
us up our weaknesses  and that we 
agree with him although we won't
accept his words.

His purpose is to keep us distracted
from doing our mission. At some 
point he might decide to show that
he has cease fire like in Gaza however
he is getting ready to come after us
once again. We can't stand up to him 
but God can.

Most of the world doesn't even know
that they are at war. He deals with 
those who know. Stay steadfast and 
believe knowing who has won. Amen!



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