Thursday, May 30, 2024

Battle In the Mind

The spiritual battle works in the
mind for the most part. Satan will 
tell us our weaknesses and how
bad we are including the sins we
have committed in our lives. How
terrible we must be.

It is the truth however Jesus Christ died
for all of our sins. It doesn't matter whether
past, present or future sins. When we confess our sins our lives change too.
We will sin.again and again.but it wasn't
like our sins of our past where we didn't
think or care about it. We didn't know God 
at that time.

Many of the other religions believe we 
have to make account for our sins. This
were the case than Jesus Christ didn't
have to die for us. They will tell you 
he was a good man and other things.

Test it out and see. Seek out God and
you will find him. He doesn't keep 
anyone back who earnestly see him.

So when you hear words of condemnation
this mean that you are in the battle. You
can win since Jesus Christ already has.


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