Friday, May 17, 2024

What Do You Know

I know that what  you know is more
than you realize. Your life purpose 
is to share what you know. 

Yes not everyone  will except what
you say however that is ok. You 
have as much to say as everyone 
else does. 

The important  thing is to be careful 
what you think. When you wake up
inthe morning ask God what you
should say and the ones you should 
say to. 

When it comes to politics there are
those on the right and the left. Being
in the center is where you should be
or at least that is a good idea anyway. 

When you say something to another 
person be sure to  listen to what they
have to say even if you don't  agree
with them.  Politics  is  a good idea
to stay away from unless you know
your opinions very  well. 

If you are a follower of Jesus keep
your ears to God so what he has to
say you can pass on. The gifts God
has given to you be prepared to use
everyday even if the opportunity 
doesn't always come. Mostly  have
a smile on your face that says a lot
to people.  Amen!   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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